Dating Techniques: Why You Must Take Good Care of Your Body to Be Atrractive to Ladies of Your Choice

One of the things ladies cherish in any man they date is how well they look and this start with his skin care. No lady will want to befriend a haggard looking guy. To improve your skin health and its completion, try out the following natural and cost effective tips. The fact you must however have at the back of your mind is that making your skin clean and flawless requires a little commitment.

1. In the morning use lemon juice soaked in cotton wool to dab your face and leave it there for about 15minutes. Though this may pepper you for some second but the beauty of it is that it makes your face glow all the day. You may dilute the lemon juice with small quantity of water

2. Watch what you eat and drink, most especially avoid eating too much of food that has spicy contents. Lower your tobacco and alcohol consumption as well.

3. Remove dark circle on skin by applying on it Vaseline petroleum gel overnight. Skin cream or lotion that contains caffeine can also do this. Caffeine may not be good for the stomach but it is good for your skin cells. Try also products that have peptides and retinoid, these substances stimulate collagen that helps thicken the skin over the blood vessels and help soften the lines.

4. To prevent age spots use products that contain sun-screen and avoid staying in the sun for too long. You can also remove existing age spots and mark by using toning system that contains glucose-mine or vitamin C. For vitamin C you can use lemon juice or tomato. This two are cheap and natural way of removing age spots through vitamin C.

Alternatively you can also mix some vitamin C tablets with honey or petroleum gel and use it to rub your skin after bath. Try this on little spot of your body first and if there is no skin irritations after 24hr that mean the mixture is good for your skin type. As for lemon or tomato juices just rub any of the two on your body and allow it to stay on for about 15minute when you are at home.

5. Control wrinkles that may appear on your face or any where on your body with collagen. To produce a collagen, go and get a product that contains retinoid or peptides. You can also apply paste of carrot and tomato when at home to help your wrinkles. Those fruits containing vitamin A which also have retinoid your body need to remove wrinkles and control the appearance of it. If you do this regularly your wrinkles will disappear.

6. Remove regularly wear skin layers from your skin two times a week with this quick to fix homemade product. Get honey and mix it properly with cornmeal or oatmeal to make a paste. Rub the resulting paste on your body gently and leave it on the skin for about 20minutes. Exfoliating the skin of dead cells helps the skin to look smoother and healthier. This also helps remove dullness of the skin particularly in the face region.

7. If you have acne problem, try applying toothpaste directly on the affected parts and leaving it there for sometime. Aloe Vera plant, I mean raw Aloe Vera plant when applied regularly on the skin, makes it free of acne spot and make your skin glow.

8. Remove dullness of your face with a mixture of honey and oatmeal. As we all ageing, our faces tend to become dull as a result of lack of exfoliation of the facial skin dead cells. This helps treat and remove dullness of your skin. Do this regularly say twice a week if you have dry skin type.

9. Drink a lot of water everyday. Water helps moisturize your skin and make it glow like a well watered plant.

1 comment:

ChrisP said...

Aging is part of every human's life but in order to prevent such drastic changes, as early as now, one must be aware on how to take care of their health in general. Taking natural food supplement can be of great help in strengthening and revitalizing body's mechanism.