Give Your Face A Beauty Facial Treatment & Increase Your Attraction Power

Do you know that with the help of a face mask you can remove dead skin cells from your face and promote skin cells that are smoother, shining and healthier on your face that will make you look attractive to the opposite sex? Smooth skin makes people found you interesting to be with and want to be your friends including ladies. With this cost effective face treatment tips you are about to read, you can give your face a good look and enhance the skin beauty of your face become more attractive to ladies of your desire. For this facial treatment you will need peach, honey and a heavy cream
What is a peach? A peach is a round yellowish pink colour juicy fruit with a rough stone in it.
1. Cut the peach into two and take half of it. Remove the pit in it and gently remove the skin from the peach.
2. Marsh the peeled peach properly and mix it thoroughly with honey.
3. Add heavy cream to it and mix it thoroughly again.
4. Cover the mixture and put it in the fridge for 10minutes to mix well and settle down.
5. Remove it from the fridge after 10-15minutes and apply the resulting paste over your face
6. .Let it stay on your face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off your face with cool water.
7. Mop your face with towel gently.
If you do this regularly your facial skin will be cleaner, smoother, shining and glowing all the time.

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