High Blood Pressure (BP) Can Compromise Your Love Life

Did you in any way know that your sexual drive and energy are function of your attitude? The two are strongly connected to your mind chemistry. Stress caused by it can cause disequilibrium in your body that can also affect your life in many ways.  Every human action is a by product of his/her attitude. Working on your inner self helps you control the operation of your body system, your aura, carriage, your love emotions and your sexual drive. Inability to balance ones inner self destabilizes the whole body system and can bring all sort of problems to the body among which is weak or lack of interpersonal attraction between you and other people around you. You will quite agree with me that the world we live today is more stressful than it was 10 years ago. Men and women are battling with more and more problems today than before. We all work strenuously hard every day to make ends meet in an effort to live a comfortable life. We are all striving everyday to make our lives better, to live a standard and comfortable life. But as we do all these, we bring undue pressure on our body systems which have debilitating effects on our bodies. They result in stress and if the stressful situation becomes persistent and continuous, it can lead to serious health problems among which are high Blood Pressure (BP).
High blood pressure popularly known as hypertension is a situation in which someone BP refuses to come down when it rise high as a result of stress and tension in the body. What BP level is then considered to be high you will ask? Your BP is considered high if your doctor’s sphygmomanometer the equipment doctors used to measure BP reads 140/90mmHg or more. Once the blood pressure is high so many body functions becomes impaired and seriously affected, one of them is your sexual drive. High blood pressure can lead to serious sexual dysfunctionalities among which are lack of emotions and weak sexual energy.
High BP is a common and serious health problem that needs regular monitoring. One needs to take the right action when ones BP is rising most especially if one works in a stressful environment. On a more serious health level, high BP can lead to serious health problems like kidney failure, heart attack and other serious life threatening health problems. To prevent your BP from reaching this life disorganizing level, you need to do things that will help you keep it down.  Monitor and control your BP from ruin your love life by doing the following regularly and boost love life.
1. Measure your BP regularly. Cultivating the habit of measuring your BP regularly helps you monitor your BP and the state of your health. One major mistake that most of us do make is to assume we are well and healthy when we do not feel sick or see any symptoms of any health problems. Whether you are sick or not, particularly if you are above 40 years of age and work in a stressful environment, you need regular checking of your BP. Regular checking of your BP goes a long way in monitoring the state of your health. Lack of this can lead to stroke, heart attack and other health problems that can lead to sudden death. Please measure your BP regularly.
2. Rest, relax and recreate regularly. This is the most important thing to do to bring down high BP. Getting enough rest, adequate relaxation and recreation helps the heart slow down for a while after a stressful situation. You can get adequate rest by sleeping early. The normal sleeping time every normal human being need everyday is 8 hours according to medical practitioners. Anybody above 40 years of age that is not getting 8 hours of rest through sleep is not getting enough rest time. So rest and relax adequately.
3. Change your thinking pattern. In most cases stress and high blood pressure result of from negative state of mind. If you can change your state of mind from whatever you are thinking about to a more positive and hopeful one your high BP will come down fast and you will feel better. By being positive in thinking you get a good heart working condition.
4. Exercise your body regularly. Exercise is another factor that will be of help. Perhaps you should be informed that regular exercise itself can help control and bring down a high BP. Exercise helps you shed and remove excess body fat or weight. It helps you keep fit and smart. This is because regular exercise helps you burn-off excess fat in the body which may impede easy pumping and circulation of blood by the heart. It helps the body shed excess body weight which may be too large for your heart to sustain. You can liken your heart to an electricity generator. If it is used to power a small apartment or machine it will work well but once its overloaded it will start malfunctioning due to heavy load on it. That is exactly what happens to your heart when the body size increases or larger than the ability of the heart. On its own, excess body weight put additional pressure load on the heart and exercise helps you eliminate these unwanted and excess body components that may be causing trouble in your body.
5. Take your doctor’s advice serious and take whatever drugs he/she prescribed for you regularly. Once your BP is high, you need the constant attention of a qualified medical personnel who will monitor it for you by placing you on a drugs regime but how soon your BP comes down depend on you and your commitment to the drugs prescribed for you by your doctor and whatever advice he gives you. Lack of commitment to your doctor’s prescribed drugs might worsen the situation. Take your drugs regularly.
If you can not go to the hospital all the time, try to measure it yourself using your wrist pulse rate and a stopwatch to do a quick rough measurement of your BP. All you need do is locate your purse step. Start your stopwatch and start counting 1,2,3 when you found the pulse step until your stopwatch reaches 80 seconds. Whatever you counted at the end of that 80 seconds on stopwatch gives you a rough estimate of what your BP is and your heart condition. Alternatively, if you can afford it buy a digital BP measuring device. This will cost you less than $50 apiece depending on where you live.
6. Eat the right things. Eat healthy things. Eating balance diet with a lot of fruits and vegetables everyday will help your heart a lot. Nutritious food is what your body need to function properly. Avoid junk foods, tobacco, alcohol and caffeinated food materials. Reduce your salt intake as well. If you stay away from all those substances, you will reduce the possibility of having a high BP in your life and if you already have it, cutting down the intakes of those things in your daily life will help you bring it down. In most cases high blood pressure is a direct consequence of the lifestyle we live. If you eat natural and simple food materials that have little additive contents you will have an healthy body system. Perhaps you should just visit this site http://www. Abdn.ac.uk/BHS/booklet/proced.htm to see how your heart works and the reason why you should give it adequate support to perform it functions properly. Your heart works non stop and it has been created by your creator to work like that for 100 years at least if you use it the right. Putting too much load on it makes it become overused and can easily breakdown.
7. Practice deep breathing and meditation exercise also.  What your heart, blood cells and other body cells need to function properly is adequate supply of oxygen and iron. Of the two, oxygen is the most important and the body needs plenty of it every second to function properly. One other way you can give the body high volume of oxygen it needs apart from exercising is to indulge in the art of deep breathing and meditation. This helps the body and your heart to relax at the same time take in plenty of oxygen. What is meant by the art of deep breathing is the practice of breathe in, breathe in, breathe in and breathe in then breathe out.

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